Meet the Patriots!

Fifth grade is a milestone.  You are now the leaders in the school!  This year, we will have many adventures.  We will study US history, build on our science knowledge from fourth grade, read great literature, compose great stories, and continue to develop our inquiry skills. 

We will begin using Thinking Maps, and will participate in the state's ISTEM initiative.  We will also begin using a new math curriculum.

We will be welcoming two student teachers to our class from August through December.  Welcome Mr. Eric Bockelman and Ms. Miranda Norris from the School of Education at IUPUI.  I am excited to have them joining our team!

After last year, the May 25th parent meeting, and further reflection, this year, there will be a focus on respect and manners.  I will be using the book, The Essential 55, by Ron Clark to implement this.  Students will be taken through each expectation within the first week.  The Essential 55 are listed below.

Click here for information on The Essential 55

Classroom Rights and Responsibilities

You have the right to:

  • A safe learning environment
  • Make choices
  • Your own thoughts and ideas
  • Be treated fairly
  • Be yourself

You are responsible for:

  • Maintaining a safe learning environment
  • The consequences of your choices
  • Respecting others
  • Your own actions